Full name: RADDAERO – Development of the discrete dipole approximation for accurate simulation of radiative properties of nano- and microscale aerosols

Project Reference: Chair of Excellence CNRS/Région Normandie

Period : from 01/04/2024 to 31/03/2028

Financers: Région Normandie

Project host: CNRS (Laboratoire CORIA)

Supervisors: Jérôme Yon and Maxim Yurkin

Total Budget: 772 000€

Scientific abstract and objectives:

The RADDAERO project led by Dr. Yurkin at the CORIA laboratory aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of numerical calculation methods for the radiative properties of nanometric or submicron particles. The discrete dipole approximation (DDA) is one of a few methods applicable to complex-shaped objects such as fractal aggregates, which are the focus of numerous metrology developments at CORIA, with the aim of better controlling particulate emissions and air quality in terms of fine particles. However, these computational techniques are time-consuming, severely limiting the scope of their applications and justifying the development of a number of improvements proposed in this project. Through this project, Dr. Yurkin will optimize computational methods and implement them in the open- source code ADDA. The project will also lead to improved practical simulation guidelines, including the robust error control. Overall, this will support the host team in its computations both for the applications already covered by CORIA and in developing new applications beyond the field of aerosol.