Activities of the laboratory

Reactive flows

The most reactive department!

Turbulence, atomization, sprays and chaos

The most turbulent department!

Optics and lasers

The most luminous department!

Key figures


Researchers and lecturers


Research support staff


20 theses per year

Our projects

The work carried out at CORIA is mainly financed by projects which can be industrial (CIFRES, Chairs…), regional (Normandy Region, Labex…), national (ANR calls for projects…), European, international.

These projects finance some theses, equipments and the operations related to these projects.


8th Extreme CFD Workshop & Hackathon 27/01-07/02/2025

The 8th edition of the #ECFD was held from Monday January 27, 2025 to Friday February 7, 20025 at the Centre Sportif de Normandie in Houlgate, Normandy. This 12-day event brought together 85 researchers and engineers divided into 44 projects, with the aim of advancing both the physical models integrated into high-performance CFD codes and numerical methodologies to meet the technical and scientific challenges of accelerated supercomputing.
