The CORIA is a mixed research unit that naturally depends on several administrative entities. The CORIA evolves, moreover, in an environment of collaborations, rich partnerships which this page echoes.

Administrative dependence

CORIA, “Complexe de Recherche Interprofessionnel en Aérothermochimie", is a Joint Research Unit (UMR) attached to the Institute of Engineering and Systems (INSIS) of the CNRS, the University of Rouen Normandie and the Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Rouen Normandie.

Carnot ESP institute

The CORIA is a founding member of the Carnot ESP (Energy and Propulsion Systems) institute, which was accredited in 2006, in the first Carnot call for applications. This labeling is the result of the avant-gardism of CORIA’s founder, Pierre Valentin, promoting since the 1970s a strong culture of industrial partnership.

Labex EMC3

Since 2010, CORIA has been a member of LabEx EMC3 (Energy Materials & Clean Combustion Center), winner of the “Laboratory of Excellence" call for projects of the French government’s Future Investment Program. Labex EMC3 involves seven Normandy laboratories: CIMAP, CRISMAT, LCMT and LCS in Caen, CORIA and GPM in Rouen and LOMC in Le Havre. Bringing together 700 people, including more than 200 PhD students, the activities of the EMC3 project focus in particular on materials for energy recovery, safety of nuclear facilities, development of new materials by eco-compatible methods, and improvement of fuel, combustion, exhaust gas depollution and thermal energy recovery.

I-EPE federation

The CORIA is involved in the animation of the federation I-EPE (FR CNRS 3519) “Institut Energie, Propulsion, Environnement’ which gathers five Normandy laboratories: 3 CNRS labs (the LCS in Caen; the CORIA in Rouen; the LOMC in Le Havre), the TOXEMAC team ( hosted by ABTE)  and the LSPC in Rouen.

The EP2M Training and Research center

The CORIA participates in the animation of the EP2M pole " Energy, Propulsion, Materials “, one of the five strategic poles of training and research of Normandy University.

The PSIME Doctoral School (ED 591)

The doctoral training of CORIA is attached to the PSIME (Physics, Engineering Sciences, Materials, Energy) doctoral school.

L3C : common lab

The L3C is the joint CORIA-CERTAM laboratory. CERTAM is a Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer in the fields of engine testing, air quality and characterization of pollutant emissions. The L3C pools the know-how, knowledge and heavy experimental means available to CORIA and CERTAM.


CORIA enjoys the proximity of the Normandy Regional Center for Computer Science and Digital Applications (CRIANN) whose missions are to help public and private organizations in Normandy to develop teaching, research and development activities based on the use of new communication technologies and computer science.

Competitive centers

The CORIA interacts with the socio-economic world of Normandy via its participation in the Mov’eo competitiveness cluster, and in the Normandy Aerospace (NAE) and Normandy Energies sectors.

Normandy region

CORIA’s major investments are mainly financed by regional projects (Normandy and FEDER) and CPER. The Normandy Region also participates in scientific resourcing through projects such as “RIN" “Tremplin" and “Emergent".