Created in 1967, CORIA, “Complexe de Recherche Interprofessionnel en Aérothermochimie", is a Joint Research Unit (UMR) attached to the Institute of Engineering and Systems (INSIS) of the CNRS, the University of Rouen Normandy and the Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Rouen Normandy. With 170 persons, the laboratory is located on the Madrillet Science and Engineering Campus, near Rouen in Normandy. Its scientific orientations are at the service of the decarbonation of energy, propulsion, and industry on the horizon of 2050 and are in line with 5 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDO 7, SDO 9, SDO 11, SDO 12, SDO 13), by responding to the challenges of efficient, clean, sober, affordable energy: Thanks to the avant-gardism of its founder, Pierre Valentin, CORIA has developed a strong culture of industrial partnership since the 1970s, which continues today through basic research at the service of its partners’ innovation and which will participate in 2020 in the renewal of the Carnot ESP Institute, of which it is a founding member. This culture has led to numerous collaborations in the fields of terrestrial, aeronautical and space transportation, industry and renewable energies with Air Liquide, ArianeGroup, Continental, Delphi, EDF, Engie, Fives Pillard, GE Healthcare, IBM, PSA, Renault, Solvay, Safran, Siemens-Gamesa, Thales, Total, Valeo, Veolia, Zodiac… Its involvement in training through research is supported by the University’s EFEMO Master’s degree and close relationships with INSA Rouen (Energy and Propulsion) and ESITech. CORIA has a strong potential for doctoral supervision (32 people authorized to direct research), 81 PhDs have graduated at CORIA between January 2015 and June 2020. An average of 15 CIFREs are trained at CORIA, strongly promoting training through research in the socio-economic world. Armelle Cessou, head of the lab.
More than 50 years of research
Its research focuses on reactive and non-reactive flows: two-phase flow, turbulent mixing, combustion, plasmas …, and optics and lasers. It combines theoretical studies, modelling, numerical simulations and experiments on different scales, with a very strong specificity in the development of optical and laser diagnostics and the development of high performance computations. Their diversities and complementarities are available on the pages of the Departments.At the heart of the low-carbon strategy
The enterprise, a partner
More than 15 doctors per year
70 trainees are welcomed every year, coming from the University of Rouen (Energy, EsiTech), INSA Rouen, or other French engineering schools. Training through research starts as early as the M1 level (4th year INSA engineer), and even the L3 level, via laboratory internships.