Full Name : Accounting for soot particle morphology in flame thermal radiation and optical diagnostics in complex systems.
Project Reference : ANR-18-CE05-0015
Period : from 1/10/2018 to 30/09/2022
Funded by : Normandy Region
Project initiator : CERFACS (E. Riber)
Partners : CORIA (J. Yon), ONERA (D. Gaffié), RAPSODEE (M. El Hafi)
CORIA’s budget / total budget : 153k€ / 545k€
Staff recruited on this project : Clément Argentin, Ph.D..
Link toward the project web page: ANR
Scientific summary :
The main objectives of ASTORIA are to
All these new model developments will be integrated in a CFD code to improve the prediction of emitted PM number and shape in industrial applications, which is the global objective of ASTORIA.
Such developments will also allow to compute radiation in the visible frequency range, in order to reproduce numerically laser-based diagnostics such as static light scattering, line of sight extinction or laser induced incandescence. This will pave the way to a more direct comparison between simulations and experiments for a better understanding and prediction of PM emission.
The improved knowledge and description of soot radiative properties will also increase the accuracy of laser-based diagnostics and climate models.