The association (Association des Docteurs et Doctorants du CORIA) aims to facilitate exchanges between workers of this laboratory. All year long different scientific events are organized in this purpose.
One of the main goals of the A2Doc is to contribute to filling with life the day-to-day and to taking care of a pleasant work environment at CORIA with cultural and sportive events. We also pay close attention to ideas and propositions from everyone.
The final objective of A2DoC is to maintain and enlarge the CORIA alumni network.
Every year the Ph.D student’s Day (JDD) is organizes at the laboratory. This event is an opportunity for exchanges among the different laboratory units, and have an overview of the Ph.D student’s works at CORIA.
For more information about the JDD, visit the event page:
As said in the introduction, one of the purposes of A2DoC is to maintain the Alumni network and to keep in touch with PhDs of CORIA. This is why, if you are a PhD student or already PhD, we invite you to claim to join the dedicated group on LinkedIn:
Our events are shared on our Facebook page:
Do not hesitate to like it!