Alexis Coppalle Professeur Home departement Reactive Flows Publications Phosphor thermometry for surface temperature measurements of composite materials during fire test Journal article Published on September 2023 By CoppalleXavier BIOMASS DEGRADATION UNDER A CONTROLLED HEAT FLUX Poster Published on April 2023 By LacourCoppalle Characterization of wood waste combustion particulate matter by FTICR MS Poster Published on September 2022 By Coppalle Gaz and particle emissions of a domestic boiler fed with wood, miscanthus and straw pellet Communication in a congress Published on April 2022 By LacourYonCoppalle Influence of a flame-retardant on the fire-behaviour and the residual mechanical properties of C/PEKK composite laminates exposed to a kerosene flame Journal article Published on January 2022 By Coppalle Influence of kerosene flame on fire-behaviour and mechanical properties of hybrid Carbon Glass fibers reinforced PEEK composite laminates Journal article Published on January 2022 By Coppalle Kerosene flame behaviour of C/PEKK composite laminates: Influence of exposure time and laminates lay-up on residual mechanical properties Journal article Published on October 2021 By Coppalle Fire behaviour of composite materials using kerosene burner tests at small-scales Journal article Published on January 2021 By Coppalle Influence of operation mode of a drop-feed-pellet domestic boiler on gaseous and particulate emissions Communication in a congress Published on November 2020 By LacourYonCoppalle Experimental investigation of a low Reynolds number flame jet impinging flat plates Journal article Published on August 2020 By LecordierYonGodardCoppalle Study of thermomechanical coupling in carbon fibers woven‐ply reinforced thermoplastic laminates: Tensile behavior under radiant heat flux Journal article Published on May 2020 By Coppalle Experimental Study of the Combustion of a Single Biomass Particle Book chapter Published on March 2020 By LacourCoppalle Influence du mode d’alimentation sur les émissions polluantes en gaz et particules dans une chaudière domestique. Communication in a congress Published on January 2020 By CoppalleYonLacour About the tensile mechanical behaviour of carbon fibers fabrics reinforced thermoplastic composites under very high temperature conditions Journal article Published on January 2020 By Coppalle IAFSS agenda 2030 for a fire safe world Journal article Published on December 2019 By Coppalle Simulation numérique du comportement thermo-mécanique de composites stratifiés tissés carbone PPS sous flux radiant Communication in a congress Published on July 2019 By Coppalle Impact of Organic Coating on Soot Angular and Spectral Scattering Properties Journal article Published on May 2019 By YonCoppalle Fire Response of a Carbon Epoxy Composite: Comparison of the Degradation Provided with Kerosene or Propane Flames Communication in a congress Published on April 2019 By CoppalleCabot Caractérisation par PIV de la couche limite d’un jet chaud impactant une paroi plane. Communication in a congress Published on September 2018 By LecordierYonGobinCoppalle Mechanical behavior of carbon fibers polyphenylene sulfide composites exposed to radiant heat flux and constant compressive force Journal article Published on September 2018 By Coppalle Spectrally resolved light extinction enhancement of coated soot particles Journal article Published on August 2018 By YonCoppalle Behaviour of aeronautical polymer composite to flame: A comparative study of thermoset- and thermoplastic-based laminate Journal article Published on June 2018 By CoppalleYon One-dimensional pyrolysis of carbon based composite materials using FireFOAM Journal article Published on April 2018 By Coppalle Velocity and temperature measurements in a vertical wall flame Journal article Published on January 2018 By LecordierCoppalle Composites aéronautiques soumis au feu : différents mécanismes de dégradation Communication in a congress Published on October 2017 By CoppalleYon Characterization of aerosols emissions from the combustion of dead shrub twigs and leaves using a cone calorimeter Journal article Published on July 2017 By Coppalle Comportement mécanique au feu de composites à matrice thermoplastique pour applications aéronautiques Communication in a congress Published on June 2017 By Coppalle Post-fire compressive behaviour of carbon fibers woven-ply Polyphenylene Sulfide laminates for aeronautical applications Journal article Published on June 2017 By Coppalle Influence of soot particles on the lower flammability limit of methane Communication in a congress Published on January 2017 By CoppalleYon Comparison and Assessment of Particle Mass Concentration Measurements in Fire Smokes with a Microbalance, Opacimeter and PPS Devices Book chapter Published on January 2017 By CoppalleYon Fire behavior of polymer composite to flame. Application to a comparative study of thermoset‐ and thermoplastic‐based CFRP. Communication in a congress Published on January 2017 By CoppalleYon Soot and velocity mapping and 2D soot sheet dimensions in a buoyant wall-fire Journal article Published on January 2017 By TalbautYonGodardGobinCoppalle Impact des molécules oxygénées présentes dans un biocarburants sur les émissions de suies Communication in a congress Published on January 2017 By CoppalleYon First in-flight synchrotron X-ray absorption and photoemission study of carbon soot nanoparticles Journal article Published on November 2016 By CoppalleYon Soot optical properties determined by analyzing extinction spectra in the visible near-UV: Toward an optical speciation according to constituents and structure Journal article Published on November 2016 By YonRozéCoppalle Mesures de vitesse par PIV dans une flamme de paroi-verticale générant des suies et dominée par la flottabilité Communication in a congress Published on September 2016 By TalbautLecordierCoppalle Influence of matrix nature on the post-fire mechanical behaviour of notched polymer-based composite structures for high temperature applications Journal article Published on September 2016 By Coppalle Time-dependent smoke yield and mass loss of pool fires in a reduced-scale mechanically ventilated compartment Journal article Published on April 2016 By CoppalleYon Compétences et Perspectives du CORIA Concernant l’Etude et la Caractérisation des Particules de Suie Communication in a congress Published on October 2015 By YonCoppalleTalbautGrischRenouCabotCessouBaillot Correlation between post fire behavior and microstructure degradation of aeronautical polymer composites Journal article Published on June 2015 By Coppalle Fully Soot sheet characterization in a Vertical Wall-Flame by Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) Fully Soot sheet characterization in a Vertical Wall-Flame by Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) Communication in a congress Published on March 2015 By CoppalleTalbautGodardGobin Optical diagnostic for soot particles Communication in a congress Published on January 2015 By YonCoppalleTalbaut Etude par ombroscopie du phénomène de bullage à la surface d’un échantillon de PMMA lors de sa dégradation thermique Communication in a congress Published on January 2015 By CoppalleYon Caractérisation des structures de suies dans une flamme verticale de PMMA par LII. Pre-étude sur brûleur gaz Communication in a congress Published on January 2015 By CoppalleTalbaut In-situ and ex-situ light extinction measurements in wall fire flames in the visible and near infrared spectra: impact of soot temperature and of combustibile on soot optical properties. Poster Published on January 2015 By TalbautCoppalleYon In‐situ and ex‐situ light extinction measurements in wall fire flames in the visible and near infrared spectra: impact of soot temperature and of combustible on soot optical properties Communication in a congress Published on January 2015 By TalbautCoppalleYon Détermination des propriétés optiques des nanoparticules de suie générées par le miniCAST par analyse du spectre d’extinction de la lumière Communication in a congress Published on January 2015 By YonRozéCoppalle Etude expérimentale de la réponse du PPS Pegasor à la nature et au diamètre des agrégats de suie Communication in a congress Published on January 2015 By YonCoppalle Mise en évidence in-situ d’une phase organique au sein des particules de suie et de sa désorption par couplage de techniques optiques. Poster Published on January 2015 By YonCoppalle Post fire behavior of carbon fibers Polyphenylene Sulfide- and epoxy-based laminates for aeronautical applications: A comparative study Journal article Published on November 2014 By Coppalle Increase in thermophoretic velocity of carbon aggregates as a function of particle size Journal article Published on October 2014 By YonCoppalle Automated determination of aggregate primary particle size distribution by tem image analysis Application to soot Journal article Published on August 2014 By YonCoppalle Effects of multiple scattering on radiative properties of soot fractal aggregates Journal article Published on January 2014 By YonRozéCoppalle Determination of optical properties for miniCAST soot generator by coupling extinction‐light scattering method Communication in a congress Published on January 2014 By YonRozéCoppalle Les propriétés radiatives des nanoparticules de suie Communication in a congress Published on January 2014 By YonCoppalleRozé Role played by multiple scattering on the absorption and scattering properties of soot fractal aggregates Poster Published on January 2014 By YonRozéCoppalle Projet CAHAPS : Caractérisation en ligne de l’Adsorption d’Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques par les suies Communication in a congress Published on January 2014 By YonCoppalle Feasibility of Particle Imaging Velocimetry in Cone Calorimeter experiments Communication in a congress Published on January 2014 By CoppalleTalbautYon Evaluation of the role played by multiple scattering on the radiative properties of soot fractal aggregates Communication in a congress Published on January 2013 By YonRozéCoppalle Measurement in a wind tunnel of dry deposition velocities of submicron aerosol with associated turbulence onto rough and smooth urban surfaces Journal article Published on January 2013 By CoppalleTalbaut Etude expérimentale sur le comportement thermophorétique d’agrégats de nanoparticules Communication in a congress Published on January 2013 By YonCoppalle Design and performance of a new device for the study of thermophoresis: The radial flow thermophoretic analyser Journal article Published on January 2013 By YonCoppalle Measurement of aggregates’ size distribution by angular light scattering Journal article Published on January 2013 By YonCoppalleRen Etude par rayonnement synchrotron X d’aerosols carbonés nanostructures fraichement émis Communication in a congress Published on January 2013 By CoppalleYon Phenomenological modelling of particle resuspension on bubbling PMMA Poster Published on January 2013 By CoppalleYon X‐ray study of freshly emitted carbonaceous nano‐aerosols by synchrotron radiation Communication in a congress Published on January 2013 By CoppalleYon Etude spectrale de la densité optique des aérosols de fumée d’incendie Communication in a congress Published on January 2013 By YonTalbautCoppalle Mesure de la vitesse de remise en suspension des particules pendant la dégradation des polymères Communication in a congress Published on January 2013 By CoppalleTalbautYon Spectral Study of the Smoke Optical Density in Non-flaming Condition Journal article Published on January 2013 By TalbautYonCoppalle Properties of smokes emitted during smoke‐chamber tests Communication in a congress Published on January 2013 By YonTalbautCoppalle Numerical investigation of the possibility to determine the primary particle size of fractal aggregates by measuring light depolarization Journal article Published on January 2013 By YonRozéCoppalle Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on soot: Production of benchmark particles Poster Published on January 2013 By CoppalleYon Méthode numérique pour la génération de particules de suie réalistes : Impact sur les propriétés morphologiques et optiques Poster Published on January 2013 By YonRozéCoppalle Contribution to the study of particle resuspension kinetics during thermal degradation of polymers Poster Published on January 2013 By CoppalleYon Influence of the thermophoresis on aerosol deposition on warm urban surfaces Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By Coppalle A method for inferring the soot size distribution by Static Light Scattering : Application to the CAST soot generator Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By YonCoppalleRen Measurement of the soot size distribution in flames by inversion of angular light scattering Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By YonCoppalleRen Etude de la vitesse de thermophorèse d’agrégats de suie de combustion avec un SpectroMètre Thermophorétique Circulaire (SMTC) Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By YonCoppalle Study of thermophoretic velocity of soot particles with a new device: the radial flow thermophoretic analyser Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By YonCoppalle Determination of soot size distributions from spectra extinction measurements: a feasibility study Poster Published on January 2012 By YonCoppalleRen Détermination in‐situ de la distribution des particules de suie par analyse du signal de diffusion angulaire Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By YonRenCoppalle Spectral study of the smoke optical density in non‐flaming condition Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By TalbautYonCoppalle Determination of the dimensionless extinction coefficient for soot generated by a PMMA flame Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By CoppalleYonTalbaut Theoretical and experimental study of light depolarization by nanoparticle fractal aggregates Communication in a congress Published on January 2012 By YonRozéCoppalle Submicronic aerosol dry deposition non urban surfaces: a wind tunnel study to improve the lack of knowledge Communication in a congress Published on September 2011 By CoppalleTalbaut Propriétés optiques des suies dans le domaine 300‐1000nm, application aux incendies Communication in a congress Published on January 2011 By YonCoppalle Thermophoresis of non‐spherical particle: experimental prospect on soot particles Communication in a congress Published on January 2011 By YonCoppalle Measurement of aggregates size distribution by inversion of angular light scattering Journal article Published on January 2011 By YonCoppalleRen Etude expérimentale du modèle RDG-FA par diffusion angulaire de la lumière sur agrégats monodisperses Poster Published on January 2011 By YonRenCoppalle Théories et expériences relatives à la thermophorèse de particules sphériques et non‐sphériques : état de l’art et perspectives d’expérimentations sur les aérosols de combustion Communication in a congress Published on January 2011 By YonCoppalle Measurements of soot size distribution in flames by inversion of angular light scattering Communication in a congress Published on January 2011 By YonCoppalleRen Determination of the refractive index of soot particles in the visble spectrum by extinction spectra Communication in a congress Published on January 2011 By YonRenCoppalle Examination of wavelength dependent soot optical properties of diesel and diesel/rapeseed methyl ester mixture by extinction spectra analysis and LII measurements (online first : DOI: 10.1007/s00340-011-4416-4) Journal article Published on January 2011 By YonCoppalleRen Smoke radiative properties of under-ventilated fires Poster Published on January 2011 By CoppalleYon Study of the submicronic aerosol dry deposition on urban surfaces in a wind tunnel. Communication in a congress Published on January 2011 By CoppalleTalbaut Mesure des champs 2D de concentration de particules de suies par incandescence induite par laser dans une flamme de paroi verticale Communication in a congress Published on January 2011 By TalbautCoppalleYon Quantification of the dry deposition of aerosols in the urban environment: towards a new methodology Communication in a congress Published on August 2010 By TalbautCoppalle Rayonnement des suies dans les flammes : Evaluation de l’émissivité totale des suies Communication in a congress Published on January 2010 By YonRenCoppalle Etude de la cinétique d’agglomeration des nanoparticules et de leurs propriétés morphologiques à l’aide d’un code DLCA Communication in a congress Published on January 2010 By YonCoppalleTalbaut Influence de la méthode d’échantillonnage sur les caractéristiques morphologiques d’agrégats de nature fractale. Etude par microscopie électronique en transmission. Communication in a congress Published on January 2010 By YonCoppalle Influence of Sampling and Storage Protocol on Fractal Morphology of Soot Studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy Journal article Published on January 2010 By YonCoppalle Radiative properties of under-ventilated fire smoke Poster Published on January 2010 By YonCoppalle Validation of the values of the refractive index fuction ratios E(m,266)/E(m,532) and E(m,532)/E(m,1064) for the measurement of fluorescent species in liquid spray flames by coupling Laser Induced Incandescence and Fluorescence (LII/LIF) Communication in a congress Published on January 2010 By YonCoppalleRen Determination of the refractive index wavelength dependence of Diesel and Diester soot by extinction spectra analysis Communication in a congress Published on January 2010 By YonCoppalleRen Measurement of the correspondence between gyration and mobility diameters of monodisperse fractal aggregates by Static Light Scattering Communication in a congress Published on January 2010 By YonRenCoppalle Influence of sampling method and ageing of fractal aggregates on their morphological parameters Poster Published on January 2010 By CoppalleYon Size-resolved eddy covariance measurements of fine particle vertical fluxes Journal article Published on December 2009 By CoppalleTalbaut Underventilated enclosed fires: A full scale test with wood pallet fire Communication in a congress Published on January 2009 By Coppalle Caractérisation physique des agrégats de suie dans les flammes par analyse angulaire de la diffusion de la lumière Communication in a congress Published on January 2009 By YonCoppalle Determination of the refractive index of kerosene and ethylene soot by extinction spectra Communication in a congress Published on January 2008 By YonRenCoppalle Characterization of soot particles in the plumes of over-ventilated diffusion flames Journal article Published on January 2008 By CoppalleYon Theoretical and experimental approach for the determination of the gyration / mobility ratio of soot representative diameters Communication in a congress Published on January 2008 By YonCoppalle Measurement of the mass specific extinction coefficient of acetylene, toluene and polymethyl methacrylate soot particles in visible and near‐infrared wavelengths Communication in a congress Published on January 2008 By CoppalleYon Extension de l’applicabilité de la RDG‐FA à des agrégats constitués de gros monomères avec prise en compte des interactions lumineuses multiples au sein des agrégats Communication in a congress Published on January 2008 By YonRozéCoppalleTalbaut Measurement of the optical properties of soot particles. Application to the optical index determination taking into account their agglomerate structure Communication in a congress Published on January 2008 By YonCoppalle CityDelta : a model intercomparison study to explore the impact of emission reductions in European cities in 2010 Journal article Published on January 2007 By Coppalle Ethylene flame : effects of pressure on soot properties Poster Published on January 2007 By CoppalleYon Field measurements of airport emissions and air pollutants including aerosols at Paris CDG airports. The AIRPUR project Communication in a congress Published on September 2006 By TalbautCoppalle Comparison of two different methods for the determination of the fractal dimension of soot aggregates: TEM measurements and serial analysis of the aerodynamic and electrical mobility diameters Communication in a congress Published on January 2006 By CoppalleYon Determination of the effective density of fractal aggregates by serial analysis of electrical mobility and aerodynamic diameters Poster Published on January 2006 By CoppalleYon Determination of the physical properties of soot aggregates (morphology, size distribution, mass concentration and optical properties). Application to radiative transfer in flames smokes Communication in a congress Published on January 2006 By CoppalleYon Caractérisation des particules de suie issues de la combustion du kérosène (sur la calibration des mesures optiques Communication in a congress Published on January 2006 By YonCoppalle Caractérisation des particules de suie émises dans un foyer sur‐ventilé Communication in a congress Published on January 2006 By CoppalleYon Determination of Quantities and Properties of Soot Generated by an APU Communication in a congress Published on January 2005 By CoppalleTalbautYon The urban boundary-layer field campaign in Marseille (UBL/CLU-ESCOMPTE): set-up and first results Journal article Published on January 2005 By CoppalleTalbaut Validation of dry deposition models for submicronic and Micronic aerosols Communication in a congress Published on June 2004 By Coppalle Caracterisation des particules de suie dans les moteurs aéronautiques : Proejt CAPAS Communication in a congress Published on January 2004 By Coppalle Atmospheric dispersion modelling and long-path UV DOAS measurements for air quality monitoring aler systems Communication in a congress Published on August 1998 By Coppalle OH and soot concentration measurements in a high-temperature laminar diffusion flame Journal article Published on December 1997 By CessouCoppalle COMPARISON BETWEEN DISPERSION PARAMETERS DEDUCED FROM WIND FLUCTUATIONS AND PASQUILL VALUES – APPLICATION TO A SHORT-RANGE URBAN POLLUTION CASE Journal article Published on January 1995 By Coppalle