Gérard Gouesbet Professeur Home departement Optics & Lasers Publications Finite series approach for the calculation of beam shape coefficients in ultrasonic and other acoustic scattering Journal article Published on September 2024 By Gouesbet Corrigendum to “An approach for a polychromatic generalized Lorenz-Mie theory” [J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 312 (2024), 108824] Journal article Published on June 2024 By Gouesbet Dark and superdark theorems with applications to helical beams (beams with a topological charge) which are not vortex beams Journal article Published on May 2024 By Gouesbet Symmetries of circularly axisymmetric beams expressed in terms of beam shape coefficients Journal article Published on April 2024 By Gouesbet Professor James Albert Lock (1948–2023): A life of honor and work of excellence Journal article Published on March 2024 By Gouesbet Description of acoustical Gaussian beams from the electromagnetic scheme of approximations and the on-axis localized approximation Journal article Published on January 2024 By Gouesbet An approach for a polychromatic generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2024 By Gouesbet T-matrix methods for electromagnetic structured beams: A commented reference database for the period 2019-2023 Journal article Published on January 2024 By Gouesbet Blowing-ups of beam shape coefficients of Gaussian beams using finite series in generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on December 2023 By Gouesbet Evaluation of beam shape coefficients in T-matrix methods using a finite series technique: on blow-ups using hypergeometric functions and generalized Bessel polynomials Journal article Published on November 2023 By Gouesbet Laser-light and interactions with particles (LIP), 2022 Journal article Published on November 2023 By Gouesbet On Evanescent Waves and Blowing-ups of the Finite Series Technique in Spherical Wave Expansion of Shaped Beams Journal article Published on November 2023 By Gouesbet A framework for the finite series method of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and its application to freely-propagating Laguerre-Gaussian beams Journal article Published on November 2023 By Gouesbet Optical forces and optical force partitions exerted on arbitrary sized spherical particles in the framework of generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on October 2023 By Gouesbet Ince–Gaussian beams in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory through finite series Laguerre–Gaussian beam shape coefficients Journal article Published on July 2023 By Gouesbet On a class of definite integrals with products of (Ricatti-)Bessel functions and their derivatives Journal article Published on April 2023 By Gouesbet Optical forces and optical force categorizations exerted on quadrupoles in the framework of generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on April 2023 By Gouesbet Rigorous justification of a localized approximation to encode on-axis Gaussian acoustical waves Journal article Published on January 2023 By Gouesbet Optical force categorizations in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2023 By Gouesbet Failures of the classical optical theorem under arbitrary-shaped beam incidence in electromagnetism, acoustics, and quantum mechanics: motivation and a review Journal article Published on January 2023 By Gouesbet On analytical solutions to classes of definite integrals with products of Bessel functions of the first kind and their derivatives Journal article Published on December 2022 By Gouesbet Diverging and converging schemes of approximations to describe fundamental EM Gaussian beams beyond the paraxial approximation Journal article Published on November 2022 By Gouesbet Towards photophoresis with the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on September 2022 By Gouesbet Interactions between arbitrary electromagnetic shaped beams and circular and elliptical infinite cylinders: A review Journal article Published on August 2022 By Gouesbet Comment on “Unified treatment of nonlinear optical force in laser trapping of dielectric particles of varying sizes” Journal article Published on July 2022 By Gouesbet Angular spectrum representation of the Bessel-Gauss beam and its approximation: A comparison with the localized approximation Journal article Published on July 2022 By Gouesbet The generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and its identification with the dipole theory of forces for particles with electric and magnetic properties Journal article Published on April 2022 By Gouesbet Optical forces and optical force categorizations on small magnetodielectric particles in the framework of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on March 2022 By Gouesbet Longitudinal and transverse photophoretic force on a homogeneous sphere exerted by a Bessel beam with selective polarizations Journal article Published on January 2022 By Gouesbet Debye-series expansion of T-matrix for light scattering by non-spherical particles computed from Riccati-differential equations Journal article Published on January 2022 By Gouesbet Hermite–Gaussian beams in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory through finite–series Laguerre–Gaussian beam shape coefficients Journal article Published on January 2022 By Gouesbet Poynting vector and beam shape coefficients: On new families of symmetries (non-dark axisymmetric beams of the second kind and dark axisymmetric beams) Journal article Published on September 2021 By Gouesbet Rayleigh limit of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory: Axicon terms revisited Journal article Published on August 2021 By Gouesbet Laser-light and interactions with particles (LIP), 2020 Journal article Published on July 2021 By Gouesbet On the Rayleigh limit of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and its formal identification with the dipole theory of forces. II. The transverse case. Journal article Published on May 2021 By Gouesbet Rayleigh limit of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for on-axis beams and its relationship with the dipole theory of forces. Part I: Non dark axisymmetric beams of the first kind, with the example of Gaussian beams Journal article Published on May 2021 By Gouesbet On transverse radiation pressure cross-sections in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory and their numerical relationship with the dipole theory of forces Journal article Published on March 2021 By Gouesbet Finite series algorithm design for lens-focused Laguerre–Gauss beams in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on March 2021 By Gouesbet On the Rayleigh limit of the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory and its formal identification with the dipole theory of forces. I. The longitudinal case Journal article Published on March 2021 By Gouesbet Optical forces exerted by on-axis Bessel beams on Rayleigh particles in the framework of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on February 2021 By Gouesbet Efficient computation of arbitrary beam scattering on a sphere: Comments and rebuttal, with a review on the angular spectrum decomposition. Journal article Published on January 2021 By Gouesbet Morphology-dependent resonances in an eccentrically layered sphere illuminated by a tightly focused off-axis Gaussian beam: parallel and perpendicular incidence Journal article Published on January 2021 By Gouesbet Rayleigh limit of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for on-axis beams and its relationship with the dipole theory of forces. Part II: Non-dark axisymmetric beams of the second kind and dark axisymmetric beams, including a review Journal article Published on January 2021 By Gouesbet Comparative numerical analysis between the multipole expansion of optical force up to quadrupole terms and the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2021 By Gouesbet Nonlinear Generalized Schrödinger’s Equations by Lifting Hamilton-Jacobi’s Formulation of Classical Mechanics. Book chapter Published on January 2021 By Gouesbet On longitudinal radiation pressure cross-sections in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory and their numerical relationship with the dipole theory of forces Journal article Published on January 2021 By Gouesbet Axicon optical forces and other kinds of transverse optical forces exerted by off-axis Bessel beams in the Rayleigh regime in the framework of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on September 2020 By Gouesbet Bessel-Gauss beams in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory using three remodeling techniques Journal article Published on August 2020 By Gouesbet Axicon terms associated with gradient optical forces in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on August 2020 By Gouesbet On an infinite number of quadratures to evaluate beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and the extended boundary condition method for structured EM beams Journal article Published on February 2020 By Gouesbet Finite series expressions to evaluate the beam shape coefficients of a Laguerre-Gauss beam focused by a lens in an on-axis configuration Journal article Published on February 2020 By Gouesbet Modified finite series technique for the evaluation of beam shape coefficients in the T-matrix methods for structured beams with applications to Bessel beams Journal article Published on January 2020 By Gouesbet Gradient, scattering and other kinds of longitudinal optical forces exerted by off-axis Bessel beams in the Rayleigh regime in the framework of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory, 246, Paper 196913 Journal article Published on January 2020 By Gouesbet Gradient, scattering and other kinds of longitudinal optical forces exerted by off-axis Bessel beams in the Rayleigh regime in the framework of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2020 By Gouesbet On an infinite number of quadratures to evaluate beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and Extended Boundary Condition Method for structured EM beams Journal article Published on January 2020 By Gouesbet On the beam shape coefficients of fundamental nondiffracting beams Journal article Published on January 2020 By Gouesbet Van de Hulst Essay: A review on generalized Lorenz-Mie theories with wow stories and an epistemological discussion Journal article Published on January 2020 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories and mechanical effects of laser-light, a celebration of Arthur Ashkin’s pioneering work in optical levitation and manipulation Communication in a congress Published on August 2019 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories and mechanical effects of laser-light, a celebration of Arthur Ashkin’s pioneering work in optical levitation and manipulation. Communication in a congress Published on June 2019 By Gouesbet T-matrix methods for electromagnetic structured beams: A commented reference database for the period 2014–2018 Journal article Published on June 2019 By Gouesbet Finite series expressions to evaluate the beam shape coefficients of a Laguerre–Gauss beam freely propagating. Journal article Published on April 2019 By Gouesbet Afterword. Laser-light and interactions with particles (LIP), 2018 Journal article Published on March 2019 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories and mechanical effects of laser light, on the occasion of Arthur Ashkin’s receipt of the 2018 Nobel prize in physics for his pioneering work in optical levitation and manipulation: A review Journal article Published on March 2019 By Gouesbet Intrinsic method for the evaluation of beam shape coefficients in spheroidal coordinates for oblique illumination Journal article Published on February 2019 By Gouesbet The invariant imbedding approach to the Debye series for light scattering by nonspherical particles Communication in a congress Published on January 2019 By Gouesbet Evaluation of beam shape coefficients of paraxial Laguerre-Gauss freely propagating by using three remodeling methods Journal article Published on January 2019 By Gouesbet Zeroth-order continuous vector frozen waves for light scattering: exact multipole expansion in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2019 By Gouesbet Depolarization of nearly spherical particles: The Debye series approach Journal article Published on November 2018 By Gouesbet On localized approximations for Laguerre-Gauss beams focused by a lens Journal article Published on October 2018 By Gouesbet Unexpected news on localized approximation to evaluate beam shape coefficients for use in structred T-matrix methods Communication in a congress Published on August 2018 By Gouesbet On the validity of the use of a localized approximation for helical beams. II. Numerical aspects Journal article Published on August 2018 By Gouesbet On localized approximations for helical beams Communication in a congress Published on March 2018 By Gouesbet On the validity of the use of a localized approximation for helical beams. I. Formal aspects Journal article Published on March 2018 By Gouesbet On the validity of integral localized approximation for on-axis zeroth-order Mathieu beams Journal article Published on January 2018 By Gouesbet Discrete vector frozen waves in generalized Lorenz–Mie theory: linear, azimuthal, and radial polarizations Journal article Published on January 2018 By Gouesbet Assessing the validity of the localized approximation for discrete superpositions of Bessel beams Journal article Published on January 2018 By Gouesbet Non-singularity principle, Bohm-de Broglie hidden worlds, and Duhem-Quine underdetermination thesis Communication in a congress Published on July 2017 By Gouesbet On the validity of localized approximation for an on-axis zeroth-order Bessel beam Journal article Published on July 2017 By Gouesbet A comment on the description of axisymmetric Bessel beams. Communication in a congress Published on March 2017 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theories: Second Edition Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 2017 By Gouesbet On the validity of the integral localized approximation for Bessel beams and associated radiation pressure forces Journal article Published on January 2017 By Gouesbet Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP), 2016 Journal article Published on January 2017 By Gouesbet A darkness theorem for the beam shape coefficients and its relationship to higher-order non-vortex Bessel beams Journal article Published on January 2017 By Gouesbet Poynting theorem in terms of beam shape coefficients and applications to axisymmetric, dark and non-dark, vortex and non-vortex, beams Journal article Published on January 2017 By Gouesbet Comments on localized and integral localized approximations in spherical coordinates Journal article Published on August 2016 By Gouesbet Consequences of the angular spectrum decomposition of a focused beam, including slower than c beam propagation Journal article Published on July 2016 By Gouesbet On Empirically Equivalent Systems of the World with Conflicting Ontologism: Three Case-Studies Journal article Published on June 2016 By Gouesbet Comments on the localized and integral localized approximations to the description of laser beams in spherical coordinates Communication in a congress Published on April 2016 By Gouesbet On the validity of localized approximations for Bessel beams: All N-Bessel beams are identically equal to zero Journal article Published on January 2016 By Gouesbet On the description of electromagnetic arbitrary shaped beams: The relationship between beam shape coefficients and plane wave spectra Journal article Published on September 2015 By Gouesbet Preface: Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP), 2014 Journal article Published on September 2015 By Gouesbet On light traveling in free space slower than the speed of light and other curiosities associated to light propagation and light scattering Communication in a congress Published on June 2015 By Gouesbet Electromagnetic scattering of arbitrary shaped beams by arbitrary shaped particles with quantum mechanical applications Communication in a congress Published on March 2015 By Gouesbet Laser-based optical measurement techniques of discrete particles: A review [invited keynote] Journal article Published on January 2015 By Gouesbet Latest achievements in generalized Lorenz-Mie theories: A commented reference database Journal article Published on December 2014 By Gouesbet Shaped beam scattering from a single lymphocyte cell by generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2014 By Gouesbet Shaped beam scattering from a single lymphocyte cell by generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2014 By Gouesbet Intrinsic method for the evaluation of beam shape coefficients in spheroidal coordinates for on-axis standard configuration Journal article Published on January 2014 By Gouesbet Photonic jet generated by spheroidal particle with Gaussian-beam illumination Journal article Published on January 2014 By Gouesbet Controllable and enhanced photonic jet generated by fiber combined with spheroid Journal article Published on January 2014 By Gouesbet On the electromagnetic scattering of arbitrary shaped beams by arbitrary shaped particles: A review Journal article Published on January 2014 By Gouesbet A scientific story of generalized Lorenz–Mie theories with epistemological remarks Journal article Published on September 2013 By Gouesbet Lasers and interactions with particles, 2012: Optical particle characterization follow-up Journal article Published on September 2013 By Gouesbet Internal and near-surface field distributions for a spheroidal particle illuminated by a focused Gaussian beam: On-axis case Journal article Published on January 2013 By Gouesbet A scientific story of generalized Lorenz-Mie theories with epistemological remarks Journal article Published on January 2013 By Gouesbet List of problems for future research in generalized Lorenz-Mie theories and related topics, review and prospectus [Invited] Journal article Published on January 2013 By Gouesbet Solution to the intrinsic method for the evaluation of beam shape coefficients in spheroidal coordinates Journal article Published on January 2013 By Gouesbet Second modified localized approximation for use in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and other theories revisited Journal article Published on January 2013 By Gouesbet Numerical simulation of Gaussian beam scattering by complex particles of arbitrary shape and structure Journal article Published on September 2012 By Gouesbet Generalized Orthogonality Relation for Spherical Harmonics Book chapter Published on June 2012 By Gouesbet Note on the use of localized beam models for light scattering theories in spherical coordinates Journal article Published on January 2012 By Gouesbet From theories by Lorenz and Mie to ontological underdetermination of theories by experiments Book chapter Published on January 2012 By Gouesbet On the structures of some light scattering theories depending on whether or not the Bromwich formulation may be used, e.g. spherical versus spheroidal coordinates Journal article Published on January 2012 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz–Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems. V. Localized beam models Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Study of scattering from a sphere with an eccentrically located sphgerical inclusion by generalized Lorenz-Mie theory: internal and external field distribution Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz–Mie theories and description of electromagnetic arbitrary shaped beams: Localized approximations and localized beam models, a review Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Morphology-dependent resonances in an eccentrically layered sphere illuminated by a tightly focused off-axis Gaussian beam: Parallel and perpendicular beam incidence Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories and description of electromagnetic arbitrary shaped beams: Localized approximations and localized beam models, a review Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems. V. Localized beam models Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Study of scattering from a sphere with an eccentrically located spherical inclusion by generalized Lorenz-Mie theory: Internal and external field distribution Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Expanded description of electromagnetic arbitrary shaped beams in spheroidal coordinates, for use in light scattering theories: A review Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Numerical study of global rainbow technique: Sensitivity to non-sphericity of droplets Journal article Published on January 2011 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz–Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems. IV. Plane waves Journal article Published on September 2010 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz–Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems Journal article Published on September 2010 By Gouesbet T-matrix formulation and generalized Lorenz–Mie theories in spherical coordinates Journal article Published on February 2010 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems III. Special values of Euler angles Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet T-matrix formulation and generalized Lorenz-Mie theories in spherical coordinates Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems I. General formulation Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems. IV. Plane waves Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet Transformations of spherical beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theories through rotations of coordinate systems II. Axisymmetric beams Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet Processing of individual rainbow signals Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet Debye series for light scattering by a nonspherical particle Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet Hypotheses on the a priori rational necessity of quantum mechanics Journal article Published on January 2010 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz–Mie theories, the third decade: A perspective Journal article Published on September 2009 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz–Mie theory and applications Journal article Published on July 2009 By Gouesbet Optical stress on the surface of a particle: Homogeneous sphere Journal article Published on May 2009 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and applications Journal article Published on January 2009 By Gouesbet On the optical theorem and non-plane-wave scattering in quantum mechanics Journal article Published on January 2009 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories, the third decade: A perspective Journal article Published on January 2009 By Gouesbet Transient internal and scattered fields from a multi-layered sphere illuminated by a pulsed laser Journal article Published on January 2009 By Gouesbet Radiation torque exerted on a spheroid: Analytical solution Journal article Published on July 2008 By Gouesbet Petite et grande histoire de la GLMT et de ses applications Communication in a congress Published on January 2008 By Gouesbet Asymptotic quantum inelastic generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on October 2007 By Gouesbet Theoretical prediction of radiation pressure force exerted on a spheroid by an arbitrarily shaped beam Journal article Published on February 2007 By Gouesbet Rainbow refractometry on particles with radial refractive index gradients Journal article Published on January 2007 By Gouesbet Asymptotic quantum inelastic generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2007 By Gouesbet From the rainbow to the structure of atoms Journal article Published on January 2007 By Gouesbet Electromagnetic scattering by an absorbing macroscopic sphere is cross-sectionally equivalent to a superposition of two effective quantum processes Journal article Published on January 2007 By Gouesbet Quantum arbitrary shaped beams revisited Journal article Published on January 2007 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for an arbitrarily oriented, located, and shaped beam scattered by a homogeneous spheroid Journal article Published on January 2007 By RenGouesbet Asymptotic quantum elastic generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on October 2006 By Gouesbet Rainbow refractrometry: On the validity domain of Airy’s and Nussenzveig’s theories Journal article Published on January 2006 By Gouesbet Rainbow refractometry: on the validity domain of Airy’s and Nussenzveig’s theories Journal article Published on January 2006 By Gouesbet A transparent macroscopic sphere is cross-sectionnally equivalent to a superposition of two quantum-like radial potentials Journal article Published on January 2006 By Gouesbet Asymptotic quantum elastic generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2006 By Gouesbet A transparent macroscopic sphere is cross-sectionally equivalent to a superposition of two quantum-like radial potentials Journal article Published on January 2006 By Gouesbet Resonant spectra of a deformed spherical microcavity Journal article Published on January 2006 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for infinitely long cylinders with elliptical cross-sections: erratum Journal article Published on January 2005 By Gouesbet Expansion in free space of arbitrary quantum wavepackets, quantum laser beams, and Gaussian quantum laser beams (on-axis and off-axis) in terms of free spherical waves Journal article Published on January 2005 By Gouesbet Expansions in free space of arbitrary quantum wavepackets, quantum laser beams, and Gaussian quantum (on-axis and off-axis) laser beams in terms of free spherical waves Journal article Published on January 2005 By Gouesbet Erratum: Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for infinitely long cylinders with elliptical cross sections (J. Opt. Soc. Am. A) Journal article Published on January 2005 By Gouesbet Cross-sections in Lorenz–Mie theory and quantum scattering: formal analogies Journal article Published on February 2004 By Gouesbet Far scattered field from a spheroid under a femtosecond pulsed illumination in a generalized Lorenz–Mie theory framework Journal article Published on February 2004 By Gouesbet Cross-sections in Lorenz-Mie theory and quantum scattering: Formal analogies Journal article Published on January 2004 By Gouesbet Far scattered field from a spheroid under a femtosecond pulsed illumination in a generalized Lorenz-Mie theory framework Journal article Published on January 2004 By RenGouesbet Debye series formulation for generalized Lorenz-Mie theory with the Bromwich method Journal article Published on January 2004 By Gouesbet Theoretical evaluation of a shadow Doppler velocimeter Journal article Published on May 2003 By Gouesbet Global vector field reconstruction of nonlinear dynamical systems froms from a time series with SVD method and validation with Lyapunov exponents Journal article Published on January 2003 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz–Mie theory for a spheroidal particle with off-axis Gaussian-beam illumination Journal article Published on January 2003 By Gouesbet Global vector-field reconstruction of nonlinear dynamical systems from a time series with SVD method and validation with Lyapunov exponents Journal article Published on January 2003 By RenGouesbet Numerical predictions of microcavity internal fields created by femtosecond pulses, with emphasis on whispering gallery modes Journal article Published on January 2002 By Gouesbet Periodic orbits in Hamiltonian chaos of the annular billiard Journal article Published on January 2002 By Gouesbet Scattering of light by spheroids: the far-field case Journal article Published on January 2002 By Gouesbet Two-photon absorption and fluorescence in a spherical micro-cavity illuminated ny using two laser pulses: numerical simulations Journal article Published on January 2002 By Gouesbet Two-photon absorption and fluorescence in a spherical micro-cavity illuminated by using two laser pulses: Numerical simulations Journal article Published on January 2002 By Gouesbet Average crossing parameter and forward scattering ratio values in four-flux model for multiple scattering media (vol 194, pg 251, 2001) Journal article Published on January 2002 By RozéGouesbet Scattering of light by spheroids: The far field case Journal article Published on January 2002 By RenGouesbet Morphology-dependent resonances and/or whispering gallery modes for a two-dimensional dielectric cavity with an eccentrically located circular inclusion, a Hamiltonian point of view with Hamiltonian (optical) chaos Journal article Published on January 2002 By Gouesbet Laboratory determination of beam-shape coefficiens for use in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Surface/waves geometrical rays interference: numerical and experimental behaviour at rainbow angles Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Scaterring of laser pulses (plane wave and focused Gaussian beam) by spheres Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Laboratory determination of beam-shape coefficients for use in generalized Lorenz–Mie theory Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Light-transmittance predictions under multiple-light-scattering conditions. II. Inverse problem: particle size determination Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Lagrangian simulation of particle dispersion in gas-solid turbulent flows Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Light-transmittance predictions under multiple-light-scattering conditions. I. Direct problem: hybrid-method approximation Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Diffusion d’un puise laser court par une particule sphérique Book chapter Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Lagrangian simulation of particle dispersion in gas-solid turbulent shear flows Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Computer evaluation of Kauffman polynomials by using Gauss codes, with a skein-template algorithm Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Simulation of inter-particle collisions based on a particle Lagrangian simulation in gas-solid flows Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Average crossing parameter and forward scattering ratio values in four-flux model for multiple scattering media Journal article Published on January 2001 By RozéGouesbet Surface waves/geometrical rays interferences: Numerical and experimental behaviour at rainbow angles Journal article Published on January 2001 By RenGouesbet Scattering of laser pulses (plane wave and focused Gaussian beam) by spheres Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Phase Doppler measurements with compact monoblock configurations Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Cerenkov-based radiation from superluminal excitation in microdroplets by ultrashort pulses Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory for a sphere with an eccentrically located inclusion, and optical chaos Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Interaction between femtosecond pulses and a spherical microcavity: Internal fields Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet Time-resolved scattering diagrams for a sphere illuminated by plane wave and focused short pulses Journal article Published on January 2001 By Gouesbet A theoretical model for the method of phase-Doppler particle sizing in two-phase flows (in Chinese) Journal article Published on January 2000 By Gouesbet Instabilities by local heating below an interface Journal article Published on January 2000 By GouesbetRozé Modeling maps by using rational functions Journal article Published on January 2000 By LetellierGouesbet Analysis of a nonsynchronized sinusoidally driven dynamical system Journal article Published on January 2000 By LetellierGouesbet Equivariance identification using delay differential equations Journal article Published on January 2000 By LetellierGouesbet Topological invariants in period-doubling cascades Journal article Published on January 2000 By LetellierGouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for a sphere with an eccentrically located spherical inclusion Journal article Published on January 2000 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories, from past to future Journal article Published on January 2000 By Gouesbet Particle imaging sizing: GLMT Simulations Journal article Published on January 2000 By Gouesbet Generic formulation of a generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for a particle illuminated by laser pulses Journal article Published on January 2000 By Gouesbet Localized approximation for Gaussian beams in elliptical cylinder coordinates Journal article Published on January 2000 By Gouesbet Computer evaluation of Homfly polynomials by using Gauss codes, with a skein-template algorithm Journal article Published on January 1999 By GouesbetLetellier Validity of the cylindrical localized approximation for arbitrary shaped beams in generalized Lorenz-Mie thoery for circular cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet The structure of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for elliptical infinite cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for infinitely long elliptical cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Physical determinism in human arterial dynamics Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz–Mie theory for infinitely long elliptical cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Validity of the cylindrical localized approximation for arbitrary shaped beams in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for circular cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Validity of the localized approximation for arbitrary shaped beams in the generalized lorenz–mie theory for spheres Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Structure selection for global vector field reconstruction by using the identification of fixed points Journal article Published on January 1999 By LetellierGouesbet Cylindrical localized approximation to speed up computations for Gaussian beams in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory for cylinders, with arbitrary location and orientation of the scatterer Journal article Published on January 1999 By GouesbetRen Scattering of a Gaussian beam by an infinite cylinder with arbitrary location and arbitrary orientation: Numerical results Journal article Published on January 1999 By RenGouesbet Structure of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for elliptical infinite cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By GouesbetRen Experimental study of nonlinear coupling between two oscillators in one-dimensional Marangoni convection Journal article Published on January 1999 By Meunier-guttin-cluzelRozéGouesbet Validity of the localized approximation for arbitrary shaped beams in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for circular cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Experimental study of nonlinear coupling between two oscillators in one dimensional Marangoni convection Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Partial-wave expansions of higher-order Gaussian beams in elliptical cylindrical coordinates Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Theory of distributions and its application to beam parametrization in light scattering Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Hypothesis: hyperstructures regulate bacterial structure and the cell cycle Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Description of arbitrary shaped beams in elliptical cylinder coordinates, by using a plane wave spectrum approach Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for assemblies of spheres and aggregates Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Validity of the elliptical cylinder localized approximation for arbitrary shaped beams in generalized lorenz-mie theory for elliptical cylinders Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Partial wave expansions of higher-order Gaussian beams in elliptical cylindrical coordinates Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches for predicting the behaviour of discrete particles in turbulent flows Journal article Published on January 1999 By Gouesbet Global vector field reconstruction from non-autonomous systems Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Oscillations de la lentille thermique : résultats de la 23ème campagne de vols paraboliques de l’ESA Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Measurements of beam shape coefficients in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for the on-axis case: numerical simulations Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Diffusion des faisceaux laser par des particules Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Characterization of initial disturbances in liquid jet by rainbow sizing Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Improved standard beams with applications to reverse radiation pressure Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet On the non-equivalence of observables in phase space reconstructions from recorded time series Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Lagrangien scheme for particle tracking in non-isotropic turbulence Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet The integral localized approximation in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Rigorous justification of the cylindrical localized approximation to speed up computations in GLMT for cylinders Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Analyzing chaotic behaviour in a Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction by using a global vector field reconstruction Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Improved standard beams with application to reverse radiation pressure Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Measurement of beam-shape coefficients in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for the on-axis case Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Partial-wave description of shaped beams in elliptical-cylinder coordinates Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Response of Phase Doppler Anemometer systems to nonspherical droplets Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet On the non-equivalence of observables in phase-space reconstructions from recorded time series Journal article Published on January 1998 By LetellierGouesbet Rigorous justification of the cylindrical localized approximation to speed up computations in the generalized Lorenz–Mie theory for cylinders Journal article Published on January 1998 By GouesbetRen Characterization of initial disturbances in a liquid jet by rainbow sizing Journal article Published on January 1998 By RenCorbinGouesbet Analyzing chaotic behavior in a Belousov-Zhabotinskyi reaction by using a global vector field reconstruction Journal article Published on January 1998 By LetellierGouesbet Nonlinear dynamics: What for? Journal article Published on January 1998 By LetellierGouesbet Integral localized approximation in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 1998 By RenGouesbet Partial wave description of shaped beams in elliptical cylinder coordinates Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Nonlinear dynamics: what for ? Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Response of PDA systems to non-spherical droplets Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Particle Lagrangian tracking with hydrodynamic interactions and collisions Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet A miniature monoblock backward phase-Doppler unit Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Forces and torques exerted on a multilayered spherical particle by a focused Gaussian beam Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Optical techniques for the characterization of non-spherical and non-homogeneous particles Journal article Published on January 1998 By Gouesbet Measurements of beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and the density-matrix approach. Part 1: Measurements Journal article Published on January 1997 By Gouesbet Measurements of beam shape coefficients in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory and the density-matrix approach. Part 2: The density-matrix approach Journal article Published on January 1997 By Gouesbet Interaction between an infinite cylinder and an arbitrary-shaped beam Journal article Published on January 1997 By Gouesbet On measurements of velocity and height of particles during their resuspension Journal article Published on January 1997 By Gouesbet Use of the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems to study the growth of perturbations in an excited water jet Journal article Published on January 1997 By LetellierGouesbetDumouchelBlaisot Improved algorithm for electromagnetic scattering of plane waves and shaped beams by multilayered spheres Journal article Published on January 1997 By RenGouesbet Cylindrical fibre orientation analysis by light scattering .1. Numerical aspects Journal article Published on January 1997 By GouesbetRenRozé Cylindrical fibre orientation analysis by light scattering. Part 1: Numerical aspects Journal article Published on January 1997 By GouesbetRenRozé Topological structure of chaotic systems Journal article Published on January 1997 By LetellierGouesbet Cylindrical fibre orientation analysis by light scattering. Part 2: Experimental aspects Journal article Published on January 1997 By GouesbetRen Cylindrical fibre orientation analysis by light scattering .2. Experimental aspects Journal article Published on January 1997 By GouesbetRen Influence of the gravity on thermal lens oscillations – Results of the 23rd ESA parabolic flight campaign Journal article Published on January 1997 By RozéGouesbet Recovering Deterministic Behavior from Experimental Time Series in Mixing Reactor Journal article Published on January 1997 By LetellierGouesbet Reconstructing a dynamics from a scalar time series Journal article Published on January 1997 By GouesbetLetellier Complex 1D-spatio-temporal behaviour generated by hot-wire heating below an interface Journal article Published on January 1997 By RozéGouesbet Scattering of a Gaussian beam by an infinite cylinder in the framework of generalized Lorenz–Mie theory: Formulation and numerical results Journal article Published on January 1997 By RenGouesbet Use of the nonlinear dynamical system theory to study cycle-to-cycle variations from spark ignition engine pressure data Journal article Published on January 1997 By LetellierGouesbet The separability “theorem” in terms of distributions with discussion of electromagnetic scattering theory Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Lagrange approach for the simulation of particle/particle interaction simulation during flow Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Anémométrie phase doppler en milieux multiphasiques : Vers de nouvelles possibilités Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Chaos in variable stars: Topological analysis of W Vir model pulsations Journal article Published on January 1996 By LetellierGouesbet Generalized optical theorem for on-axis Gaussian beams Journal article Published on January 1996 By GouesbetLetellier Lagrangian approach for the simulation of particle interactions in two phase flows [Une approche lagrangienne pour la simulation d’interactions particule/particule en écoulement] Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet On the optical diagnosis and sizing of spherical coated and multilayered particles with phase-doppler anemometry Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet The stability of free convection in a particle-fluid mixture with a free surface Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Measurement of cylindrical particles with phase Doppler anemometry Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Exact description of arbitrary-shaped beams for use in light-scattering theories Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Partial–wave expansions and properties of axisymmetric light beams Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Evolution of a multimodal map induced by an equivariant vector field Journal article Published on January 1996 By LetellierGouesbet Topological analysis of chaos in equivariant electronic circuits Journal article Published on January 1996 By LetellierGouesbet On the measurements of particles by imaging methods: Theoretical and experimental aspects Journal article Published on January 1996 By RenLebrunGouesbet Prediction of reverse radiation pressure by generalized lorenz-mie theory Journal article Published on January 1996 By RenGouesbet Topological Characterization of Reconstructed Attractors Modding Out Symmetries Journal article Published on January 1996 By LetellierGouesbet Global vector field reconstruction including a control parameter dependence Journal article Published on January 1996 By LetellierGouesbet Resuspension of particles: Measurements of kinematic properties Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Discussion of two quadrature methods of evaluating beam–shape coefficients in generalized lorenz–mie theory Journal article Published on January 1996 By GouesbetLetellierRen Higher-order descriptions of Gaussian beams Journal article Published on January 1996 By Gouesbet Interaction between Gaussian beams and infinite cylinders, by using the theory of distributions Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Failure of the optical theorem for gaussian-beam scattering by a spherical particle Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Partial-wave representations of laser beams for use in light-scattering calculations Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Electromagnetic scattering from a multilayered sphere located in an arbitrary beam Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet The separability theorem revisited with applications to light scattering theory Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet HEAT AND MASS-TRANSFER COUPLING BETWEEN VAPORIZING DROPLETS AND TURBULENCE USING A LAGRANGIAN APPROACH Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Trapping and levitation of a dielectric sphere with off-centred Gaussian beams. II. GLMT analysis Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Scattering of a First‐Order Gaussian Beam by an infinite cylinder with arbitrary location and arbitrary orientation Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Forward scattering of a Gaussian beam by a nonabsorbing sphere Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Topological characterization and global vector field reconstruction of an experimental electrochemical system Journal article Published on January 1995 By LetellierGouesbet 2-PHASE RAYLEIGH-BENARD INSTABILITIES Journal article Published on January 1995 By GouesbetRozé Topological characterization of a system with high-order symmetries Journal article Published on January 1995 By LetellierGouesbet Two-phase Rayleigh-Bénard instabilities Journal article Published on January 1995 By GouesbetRozé Global vector field reconstruction from a chaotic experimental signal in copper electrodissolution Journal article Published on January 1995 By LetellierGouesbet Buoyancy driven convection in a particle-fluid mixture layer heated from below Journal article Published on January 1995 By Gouesbet Rigorous justification of the localized approximation to the beam-shape coefficients in generalized lorenz-mie theory. I. on-axis beams Journal article Published on January 1994 By Gouesbet Global vector-field reconstruction by using a multivariate polynomial L2 approximation on nets Journal article Published on January 1994 By GouesbetLetellier 24.O.01 Recent advances in light scattering theory and optical particle characterization Journal article Published on January 1994 By Gouesbet Special issue of selected papers of congress on optical particle sizing Yokohama, August 1993 Journal article Published on January 1994 By Gouesbet Interaction between a gaussian beam and an infinite cylinder with the use of non-Σ-separable potentials Journal article Published on January 1994 By Gouesbet Interaction Between Shaped Beams and an Infinite Cylinder, including a discussion of Gaussian beams Journal article Published on January 1994 By Gouesbet Characterization of the Lorenz system, taking into account the equivariance of the vector field Journal article Published on January 1994 By LetellierGouesbet Evaluation of a Particle Sizing Technique Based on Laser Sheets Journal article Published on January 1994 By RenGouesbet Evaluation of laser-sheet beam shape coefficients in generalized lorenz-mie theory by use of a localized approximation Journal article Published on January 1994 By RenGouesbet Symmetry relations in generalized lorenz-mie theory Journal article Published on January 1994 By RenGouesbet Algebraic evaluation of linking numbers of unstable periodic orbits in chaotic attractors Journal article Published on January 1994 By LetellierGouesbet Electromagnetic field expression of a laser sheet and the order of approximation Journal article Published on January 1994 By RenGouesbet Radiation pressure forces exerted on a particle arbitrarily located in a Gaussian beam by using the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory, and associated resonance effects Journal article Published on January 1994 By RenGouesbet Particle Trajectory Effects in Phase Doppler Systems: Computations and experiments Journal article Published on January 1993 By Gouesbet Oscillatory instabilities produced by heat from a temperature-controlled hot wire below an interface Journal article Published on January 1993 By RozéGouesbet Experimental observation of type-II intermittency in a hydrodynamic system Journal article Published on January 1993 By RozéGouesbet Laser Sheet Scattering by Spherical Particles Journal article Published on January 1993 By RenGouesbet Reconstruction of vector fields: The case of the Lorenz system Journal article Published on January 1992 By Gouesbet Monte Carlo Simulation of Multiple Scattering in arbitrary 3‐D geometry Journal article Published on January 1992 By Gouesbet Optical levitation experiments to assess the validity of the generalized lorenz-mie theory Journal article Published on January 1992 By Gouesbet Combined approaches and characterizations of experimental chaotic attractors in thermal lensing Journal article Published on January 1992 By Gouesbet Localized Approximation of Generalized Lorenz‐Mie Theory: Faster algorithm for computations of beam shape coefficients, g nm Journal article Published on January 1992 By RenGouesbet Comparison of the diffraction theory and the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for a sphere arbitrarily located into a laser beam Journal article Published on January 1992 By Gouesbet Construction of phenomenological models from numerical scalar time series Journal article Published on January 1992 By Gouesbet PARTICLE TURBULENT DISPERSION IN 3D-MAGNETIC FIELDS BY USING A LAGRANGIAN APPROACH Journal article Published on January 1991 By Gouesbet ON THE LAGRANGIAN SIMULATION OF TURBULENCE INFLUENCE ON DROPLET EVAPORATION Journal article Published on January 1991 By Gouesbet Reconstruction of standard and inverse vector fields equivalent to a Rössler system Journal article Published on January 1991 By Gouesbet Lagrangian simulation of dispersed two phase flows: turbulence modifications in particle laden coaxial confined jets Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1991 By Gouesbet Reconstruction of the vector fields of continuous dynamical systems from numerical scalar time series Journal article Published on January 1991 By Gouesbet Top‐Hat Beam Technique: Improvements and application to bubble measurements Journal article Published on January 1991 By CorbinGouesbet Standard Media for Particle Size and Number‐Density Calibrations in single, multiple and dependent scattering Journal article Published on January 1990 By Gouesbet Optical Levitation Experiments for generalized lorenz‐mie theory validation Journal article Published on January 1990 By Gouesbet PARTICLE LAGRANGIAN SIMULATION IN TURBULENT FLOWS Journal article Published on January 1990 By Gouesbet Localized interpretation to compute all the coefficients gn in the generalized lorenz-mie theory Journal article Published on January 1990 By Gouesbet Accurate validation of visible infrared double extinction simultaneous measurements of particle sizes and number densities by using denseiy iaden standard media Journal article Published on January 1990 By Gouesbet Surface-tension and coupled buoyancy-driven instability in a horizontal liquid layer. Overstability and exchange of stability Journal article Published on January 1990 By GouesbetRozé Simple model for bifurcations ranging up to chaos in thermal lens oscillations and associated phenomena Journal article Published on January 1990 By Gouesbet Comparison of diffraction theory and generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for a sphere located on the axis of a laser beam Journal article Published on January 1990 By Gouesbet On the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory: First attempt to design a localized approximation to the computation of the coefficients gnm Journal article Published on January 1989 By Gouesbet Ray localization in gaussian beams Journal article Published on January 1989 By Gouesbet Examination of an analogy toward the understanding of thermal lens oscillations Journal article Published on January 1989 By Gouesbet A simple model to understand overstability in thermal lensing Journal article Published on January 1989 By Gouesbet Four-flux model and a monte carlo code: Comparisons between two simple, complementary tools for multiple scattering calculations Journal article Published on January 1989 By Gouesbet Oscillatory instabilities produced by laser or hot-wire heating below an interface Journal article Published on January 1989 By Gouesbet Realisation d’echantillons pour l’etude de la diffusion de la lumiere. Application a la calibration des granulometres et densimetres Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet A lagrangian approach for the prediction of particle dispersion in turbulent flows Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Diffusion de la lumiere par une sphere dans le cas d’un faisceau d’extension finie-2. Theorie de lorenz-mie generalisee: Application a la granulometrie optique Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Dynamical states and bifurcations of a thermal lens using spectral analysis Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Expressions to compute the coefficients gmn in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory using finite series Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Computations of the gn coefficients in the generalized lorenz-mie theory using three different methods Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Scattering of a Gaussian Beam by a Sphere Using a Bromwich Formulation: Case of an arbitrary location Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Light scattering from a sphere arbitrarily located in a Gaussian beam, using a Bromwich formulation Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Diffusion de la lumiere par une sphere dans le cas d’un faisceau d’extension finie-1. Théorie de lorenz-mie generalisee: les coefficients gn et leur calcul numerique Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Visible Infra‐red Double Extinction Measurements in Densely Laden Media, New Progress Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet A concise presentation of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory for arbitrary location of the scatterer in an arbitrary incident profile Journal article Published on January 1988 By Gouesbet Interaction between a Sphere and a Gaussian Beam: Computations on a micro‐computer Journal article Published on January 1988 By CorbinGouesbet Thermal lens oscillations at low laser powers Journal article Published on January 1987 By Gouesbet Combined measurements of velocity and size of supermicronic particles in flows using a top-hat laser beam technique. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1987 By Gouesbet Optical measurements of particle size and concentration in densely laden media using a visible/infrared double extinction technique Journal article Published on January 1987 By Gouesbet Experimental and theoretical study of a low-pressure axisymmetric arcjet Journal article Published on January 1987 By Gouesbet Generalized lorenz-mie theory: First exact values and comparisons with the localized approximation Journal article Published on January 1987 By Gouesbet Laser Beam Scattering by Individual Spherical Particles: Numerical results and application to optical sizing Journal article Published on January 1987 By Gouesbet NEW PRESENTATION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR OVERSTABILITY PHENOMENA PRODUCED BY A HOT-WIRE LOCATED NEAR AND BELOW A FREE SURFACE. Journal article Published on January 1987 By Gouesbet PREDICTION OF TURBULENCE FIELDS AND PARTICLES DISPERSION USING THE CODE DISCO-2. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1986 By Gouesbet Modelling and predicting turbulence fields and the dispersion of discrete particles transported by turbulent flows Journal article Published on January 1986 By Gouesbet Four-flux models to solve the scattering transfer equation: Special cases Journal article Published on January 1986 By Gouesbet Scattering of laser beams by mie scatter centers: Numerical results using a localized approximation Journal article Published on January 1986 By Gouesbet Convective and free surface instabilities provoked by heating below an interface Journal article Published on January 1986 By Gouesbet Simultaneous measurements of velocities and sizes of particles in flows using a combined system incorporating a top-hat beam technique Journal article Published on January 1986 By Gouesbet Dispersion of discrete particles by continuous turbulent motions: new results and discussions. Journal article Published on January 1986 By Gouesbet Scattering of a Gaussian beam by a Mie scatter center using a Bromwich formalism Journal article Published on January 1985 By Gouesbet A review on measurements of particle velocities and diameters by laser techniques, with emphasis on thermal plasmas Journal article Published on January 1985 By Gouesbet The order of approximation in a theory of the scattering of a Gaussian beam by a Mie scatter center Journal article Published on January 1985 By Gouesbet Optical sizing, with emphasis on simultaneous measurements of velocities and sizes of particles embedded in flows. A plenary lecture. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1985 By Gouesbet Four-flux models to solve the scattering transfer equation in terms of lorenz-mie parameters Journal article Published on January 1984 By Gouesbet Near-field lorenz-mie theory and its application to microholography Journal article Published on January 1984 By Gouesbet Dispersion of discrete particles by continuous turbulent motions. Extensive discussion of the Tchen’s theory, using a two-parameter family of Lagrangian correlation functions Journal article Published on January 1984 By Gouesbet SUPERMICRONIC AND SUBMICRONIC OPTICAL SIZING INCLUDING A DISCUSSION OF DENSELY LADEN FLOWS. Journal article Published on January 1984 By Gouesbet Corrections for mie theory given in “the scattering of light and other electromagnetic radiation”: Comments Journal article Published on January 1984 By Gouesbet Complexities and entropies of periodic series with application to the transition to turbulence in the logistic map Journal article Published on January 1984 By Gouesbet Droplet sizing using a top-hat laser beam technique Journal article Published on January 1984 By Gouesbet Dispersion of discrete particles by turbulent continuous motions using a Frenkiel’s family of Lagrangian correlation functions, in the non-discrete dispersive approach. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1983 By Gouesbet Single scattering characteristics of volume elements in coal clouds Journal article Published on January 1983 By Gouesbet New heartbeat phenomenon, and the concept of 2-D optical turbulence Journal article Published on January 1983 By Gouesbet Diameters and number densities of soot particles in premixed laminar flat flame propane/oxygen Journal article Published on January 1983 By Gouesbet On the Tchen’s theory of discrete particles dispersion: Can dense discrete particles disperse faster than fluid particles? Journal article Published on January 1982 By Gouesbet Interaction between a laser beam and some liquid media Journal article Published on January 1982 By Gouesbet On the scattering of light by a Mie scatter center located on the axis of an axisymmetric light profile [Sur la géńeralisation de la théorie de Lorenz-Mie] Journal article Published on January 1982 By Gouesbet Simultaneous, local, optical measurements of particle velocity, particle size and particle concentration. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1982 By Gouesbet The dispersion of a cloud of particles released in a fully developed pipe flow, using the code disco-1 Journal article Published on January 1982 By Gouesbet Monotonic relationships between scattered powers and diameters in lorenz-mie theory for simultaneous velocimetry and sizing of single particles Journal article Published on January 1981 By Gouesbet Prediction of turbulent fields, including fluctuating velocities correlations and approximate spectra by means of a simplified second-order closure scheme: the round free jet and developed pipe flow. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1981 By Gouesbet Prediction of the behaviour of a cloud of discrete particles released in a fully developed turbulent pipe flow, using a non-discrete dispersive approach. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1981 By Gouesbet PRELIMINARY MEASUREMENTS OF DIAMETERS, AND A WAY TO ESTIMATE NUMBER-DENSITIES AND CONCENTRATION OF SOOTS, IN AN OXYGEN/ACETYLENE BLOW-PIPE BY MEANS OF DIFFUSION BROADENING SPECTROSCOPY. Journal article Published on January 1981 By Gouesbet Comparisons between geometrical optics and Lorenz-Mie theory Journal article Published on January 1981 By Gouesbet A new method for atom temperature measurements in plasmas Journal article Published on January 1980 By Gouesbet The G schemes of approximations to the thermal diffusion factors of Lorentzian and non-Lorentzian mixtures Journal article Published on January 1980 By Gouesbet A study of the boundary layer over a flat plate in an oxygen-natural gas flame Journal article Published on January 1980 By Gouesbet Preliminary measurements of the soot stokes-einstein parameters in an oxygen/acetylene blow-pipe by means of diffusion broadening spectros-copy Journal article Published on January 1980 By Gouesbet Determination of velocity profiles above a thin flat plate in a low pressure flame Journal article Published on January 1980 By Gouesbet Optical levitation of a single particle to study the theory of the quasi-elastic scattering of light Journal article Published on January 1980 By Gouesbet Mie theory calculations: New progress, with emphasis on particle sizing Journal article Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet Diffusion and thermal diffusion phenomena of neutral species in the high temperature range (2000-4000 K). I. Measurements of thermal diffusion factors in the high temperature range Journal article Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet Coefficients of emission of flames containing soot particles [COEFFICIENTS D’EMISSION DE FLAMMES CONTENANT DES PARTICULES DE SUIE] Journal article Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet Diffusion and thermal diffusion phenomena of neutral species in the high temperature range (2000-4000 K). III. Ranges of validity of the binary mixture hypothesis in an argon/helium plasma flow Journal article Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet Study of Boundary Layer Between a Pure Oxygen Flame and Wall Surface at Zero Incidence. [ETUDE DE LA COUCHE LIMITE ENTRE UNE FLAMME A L’OXYGENE PUR ET UNE PAROI EN INCIDENCE NULLE.] Journal article Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet Laser velocimetry in RF plasmas. Book (including critical edition and translation) Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet Diffusion and thermal diffusion phenomena of neutral species in the high temperature range (2000-4000 K). II. Theoretical calculations of the thermal diffusion factor ατ of an argon/helium mixture in the high temperature range Journal article Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet The thermal diffusion factors of an argon-helium mixture in the high temperature range (2000-4000 K) Journal article Published on January 1979 By Gouesbet Anemometrie doppler-laser haute-puissance dans un jet de plasma Journal article Published on January 1977 By Gouesbet Interferential laser Doppler velocimetry in a high frequency plasma jet Journal article Published on January 1977 By Gouesbet A study of turbulence in fluids by an interferential laser-Doppler velocity method using validated signal sampling Journal article Published on January 1974 By Gouesbet