Project partners’ expertise

CORIA team (UMR 6614 CNRS/Université de Rouen Normandie, INSA Rouen Normandie) has a substantial expertise in liquid/gasjets or gaseous reactive jets interaction with acoustics, especially with transverse waves. It has been also involved for years in programs on acoustic phenomena occurring between transverse acoustic waves and air-assisted liquid jets at very high amplitudes. Its skill will be useful to examine two-phase flame dynamics under transverse waves and help other partners to investigate transverse effects.

EM2C team (UPR 288 CNRS/CentraleSupélec/Université Paris Saclay) has developed an expertise on combustion instability analysis at the fundamental level and on the experimental side by investigating numerous generic configurations. One of these configurations is a unique annular facility designated as MICCA providing access to azimuthal coupling in annular configurations. EM2C developed a wide range of combustion instability prediction tools and control methods and has competences to discuss and share these methodological tools with the other partners.

CERFACS team develops numerical tools and modelling methods to predict combustion instabilities in practical geometries. His work is complementary to the other partner’s work to test the methodology on real configurations and benchmark his predictions on test cases on generic burners.

The partners, thanks to specific in-house tools, have already demonstrated their ability to successfully structure their complementary skills and expertise during the program FASMIC. The CORIA and EM2C experimental setups are equipped with the same liquid fuel injectors. Three configurations are examined:

(a) the response of a single burner to longitudinal forcing or transversal forcing

(b) the response of a multiple-injector configurations to longitudinal and transverse forcing

(c) self-sustained oscillations in the annular MICCA spray combustor

These complementary configurations of increasing complexities will allow gaining insight on the main mechanisms driving thermo-acoustic instabilities coupled by azimuthal modes. CERFACS will simulate the response of these flames to longitudinal forcing studied at EM2C and to transverse forcing studied at CORIA. The three partners CORIA, EM2C and CERFACS will work to test different approaches for the predictions of azimuthal instabilities. Note finally that all numerical tools used and developed by CERFACS within the context of FlySAFe will be used within SAFRAN for design purposes. All modelling will therefore benefit to this industrial development and chain with an end application by SAFRAN


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