Fabien Thiesset
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Curriculum Vitae
- 2017-présent : CNRS researcher in the “Turbulence Atomisation Spray and Chaos" department.
- 2014-2017 : Postdoc in the “Turbulent Combustion" group of the ICARE laboratory UPR 3021 (France) in collaboration with F. Halter, C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp.
- 2012-2014 : Postdoc in the group “Turbulence" of the University of Newcastle (Autralia) with R. A. Antonia and L. Djenidi.
- 2011-2012 : Research associate at the University of Rouen and CORIA lab, UMR 6614 (France)
- 2008-2011 : PhD University of Rouen and CORIA lab., UMR 6614 (France) under the guidance of Pr. L. Danaila.
I tackle such phenomena using
- a “Bottom-Up" approach from the study of elementary processes (ligament atomization, deformation of a single drop), to more complex flows (turbulent, anisotropic, inhomogeneous, in presence velocity shear).
- For each situation, a “Top-Down" theoretical framework is elaborated, on the basis of exact deterministic equations, to simplified equations (averaged) down to scaling laws for modelling purposes.
- Theory is then tested/upgraded using either experimental (quantitative vizualisation techniques) or numerical data (ARCHER).