A CORIA’s researcher wins the first award for axcellence in aerosol research

In 2020, motivated by the celebration of 50 years of publication of the Journal of Aerosol Science, the JAS editors, editorial advisory board, and publisher elected to establish the Journal of Aerosol Science Excellence in Research (JASER) Award. It is intended to acknowledge the quality, originality, and depth of contribution in aerosol research (as defined by scope of the Journal of Aerosol Science) over quantity and acceptance by specific Journals. The JASER Award may be bestowed for a single paper or collection of related papers of particular significance to Aerosol Science.

CORIA is a laureate of a cross-Channel Interreg project!

The optics and laser department is the carrier of an Interreg project called "FireDrone" which consists in developing embedded metrology on a Drone to characterize the soot particles produced during fires. A recent article of Actu Normandie presents the project!

Portrait of a woman scientist : Corine Lacour

An interview with Corine Lacour by Science Action Normandie as part of their portraits of women scientists with remarkable careers:

A podcast on hydrogen

David HONORÉ, teacher-researcher at the CORIA laboratory, in charge of the RAPHYD project, is interested in the energy valorization of hydrogen.

Results from the Optics ans Lasers Department published in Science Advances

Remarkable results obtained by CORIA researchers in collaboration with GPM researchers have just been published in Science Advances! These results stem from a long-standing collaboration between the CORIA's optics and lasers department (A. Hideur) and the GPM's ERIS group (A. Vella) and deal with the coupling of ultrafast terahertz pulses with an a tomographic atom probe.

José Morán, winner of the Jean Bricard Award 2021

On the occasion of the French Aerosol Congress 2021, José Morán, a PhD student at CORIA laboratory, received the prestigious Jean Bricard prize for his thesis work on "the improvement of numerical simulation of soot aerosol formation in flames".

A work developed by the Optics and Lasers department highlighted by the editor of the Journal of Aerosol Science

An article recently published in "Journal of Aerosol Science" by a CORIA team was chosen by the editor of the journal to illustrate the contents of volume 151 on the cover page. https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-aerosol-science/vol/151/suppl/C
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